
Bee Cave Elections


The City of Bee Cave holds annual elections on the May uniform election date (first Saturday in May). The next election for three (3) council member seats is May 3, 2025.

A special election for (2) two council member seats is being held May 3, 2025. These seats are one year terms to fill unexpired terms that will expire in May 2026.


Early Voting Polling Sites Flyer

Election Day Polling Sites Flyer


Notice of Filing Period

Notice of Ballot Drawing

* Application for ballot must be complete and submitted before the 5:00 p.m. deadline on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Candidate packets can be obtained from the city secretary's office. Please email [email protected]

or call 512-767-6641.


Ordinance No. 560 Ordering General Election (three council seats)

Ordinance No. 561 Ordering Special Election (to fill two unexpired terms)

Ordinance No. 562 Ordering Special Election (reauthorization of road maintenance tax)

Ordinance No. 563 Ordering Special Election (proposition public safety)

Ordinance No. 565 Cancelling General Election (three council seats)

Ordinance No. 566 Cancelling Special Election (to fill two unexpired terms)

Certification of Unopposed Candidates


April 3, 2025                 Last Day to Register to Vote

April 21, 2025               First Day of Early Voting

April 29, 2025               Last Day of Early Voting

May 3, 2025                  Election Day




Election Information:

The City Council is made up of six (mayor and five council members). All council members are elected "at large." All office holders for city elective office shall meet the requirements for public office prescribed by state and federal law, as well as the City Charter of the City of Bee Cave.

Each candidate for election or appointment to the City Council or office of Mayor shall be a qualified voter of the City, shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election, shall have resided in the City not less than twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of the regular deadline for a candidate’s application for a place on the ballot and shall meet the requirements of the Texas Election Code.

No candidate may file in a single election for more than one (1) office or position as provided by this Charter. No employee of the City shall remain an employee of the City after filing for a seat on the City Council or the office of Mayor. Such filing shall constitute a voluntary resignation. The City Council is the final judge of all elections and the qualifications of its members and of any other elected officials of the City.

Document showing candidate info for May 2025 election.

Important Links & Information:

Travis County Elections Office

Texas Secretary of State

Texas Ethics Commission