The City of Bee Cave accepts applications from organizations wishing to receive financial support through the Local Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) revenue collected.
The City of Bee Cave, Texas, accepts applications from organizations and businesses whose program fits into one or more of the named categories in Section 3.2.2. of the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Policy. All requests for Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds should be submitted via email to the Assistant to the City Manager, Rebecca Regueira, by the submission deadline(s). The application will be reviewed by the City Council. The applicant may be asked to be present at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the application. Applicants will be notified one week prior to the meeting of the time and place for the review.
Priority will be given to applications based on their ability to generate overnight visitors to Bee Cave.
Pages 12 – 22 of the application packet (along with any required or requested supporting documentation) must be fully completed and returned as directed on the application by the deadline(s) below.
There will be two invitations for Hotel Occupancy Tax applications. Timelines for each invitation are as follows and will be updated annually by the City Manager or her/his designee.
The first application timeline in which a maximum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the yearly allocation of Hotel Occupancy Tax funding may be awarded will be as follows:
- May 9: Application submission deadline at 5:00 p.m.
- May 12 - 23: City staff review of applications for administrative completeness and basic requirements.
- May 27 - July 8: City Council discussion of HOT funding requests.
- September 8: City Council to consider approval of funding recommendations for the Fiscal Year Budget.
- October 1: Funds available for distribution according to application request.
The second application timeline on which the remaining amount of the yearly allocation of Hotel Occupancy Tax funding may be awarded will be as follows:
- January 9: Application submission deadline at 5:00 p.m.
- January 12 - 23: City staff review of applications for administrative completeness and basic requirements.
- January 27 – March 10: City Council discussion of HOT funding requests.
- April 14: City Council to consider approval of funding recommendations for the Fiscal Year Budget.
- Funds available for distribution according to application request.
The maximum funding percentages may be changed at the discretion of City Council at any time. The city deadlines are an estimate based on optimum circumstances related to the review, approval, and execution of the program and its agreements. These items could be delayed based on a variety of factors and will be updated annually by the City Manager or her/his designee. Please email the Assistant to the City Manager, Rebecca Regueira, if you have any questions about this program.
Rules Governing the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund, Application, and the Post-Funding Report can all be found here.