City of Bee Cave Voter Information

City of Bee Cave Voter Information
Posted on 10/03/2024


The Bee Cave City Hall will be a polling location for the November 2024 election. Travis County oversees elections and operates all voting locations in the county. Any questions or concerns about elections or voting can be directed to Travis County Elections at 512-238-8683 or email [email protected]



Important Dates

Early Voting: October 21 – November 1

Monday - Saturday 7am - 7pm

Sunday - 12pm - 6pm

Election Day: Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 7am – 7pm

* Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, October 7, 2024

* Last Day to Submit Application for Ballot by Mail: Friday, October 25, 2024


Bee Cave Charter Amendments 

In addition to national, state and local races, Bee Cave voters will also consider seven ballot measures to amend the city’s charter in the November 2024 election. Each ballot measure is below. Propositions A-F are city-authored changes to the charter. Proposition G is the result of a citizen petition.

City-Authored Propositions

Proposition A – Shall sections of the city charter be amended to consolidate provisions regarding altering the boundaries of the City of Bee Cave through annexation and disannexation?

Proposition B – Shall sections of the city charter be amended to allow adjustment to compensation of the mayor and council members by ordinance only submitted to voters?

Proposition C – Shall sections of the city charter pertaining to duties and responsibilities of specific officers be amended and to authorize the mayor to sign only specific contracts unless otherwise directed by counsel and other signatory obligations if the city manager is unable; clarifying mayor’s authority during emergency or disaster; providing for election of mayor by plurality; authorize the city manager to appoint interim officers until council confirmation, conduct financial and operational audits, assign subordinates to assist mayor and council with official schedules and official city communications only; prevent interference with city manager performance; establish city secretary as a city manager subordinate except for agenda formation and elections; establish municipal court as a court of record to clarify jurisdiction with state law; provide for associate judges, and all judicial terms; and clarify the city attorney as the attorney for the city as a whole and as the municipal court prosecutor, require reporting from other legal counsel, and authorize city attorney to designate special counsel and special prosecutors?

Proposition D – Shall sections of the city charter regarding finances be amended to clarify auditor obligations and repeal provisions pertaining to failure to adopt a budget to be consistent with state law? 

Proposition E – Shall sections of the city charter pertaining to certain administrative provisions be amended to allow additional media for notices and to clarify notices and liability limits for claims against the city?

Proposition F – Shall sections of the city charter pertaining to petitions and charter amendments be amended to allow additional time for certification, clarify applicable state law, permit non-substantive organizational and corrective revisions to the charter by ordinance, and provide procedures for charter amendments by petition?

Citizen-Authored Proposition

Proposition G – An amendment to the Bee Cave City Charter requiring voter approval for the city to take any action or pass any ordinance addressing subdivision, significant physical change or alteration, sale, purchase, donation, exchange, or certain leasing of city real property; requiring all deliberation of such action by the city council or city boards and commissions be done in public, disclosing all conditions and specifics of such proposal; not requiring voter approval of the city purchase of real property but requiring all conditions and specifics of such purchase be disclosed in an open meeting?


El Ayuntamiento de Bee Cave será el lugar de votación para las elecciones de noviembre de 2024. El condado de Travis supervisa las elecciones y opera todos los lugares de votación del condado. Cualquier pregunta o inquietud sobre las elecciones o la votación se puede dirigir a las elecciones del condado de Travis al 512-238-8683 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]

Fechas importantes

Votación anticipada: 21 de octubre - 1 de noviembre

Lunes a sábado de 7 a. m. a 7 p. m.

Domingo de 12 p. m. a 6 p. m.

Día de las elecciones: martes 5 de noviembre de 2024, de 7 a. m. a 7 p. m.

* Último día para registrarse para votar: lunes 7 de octubre de 2024

* Último día para enviar la solicitud de boleta por correo: viernes 25 de octubre de 2024

Enmiendas a la Carta de Bee Cave

Además de las contiendas nacionales, estatales y locales, los votantes de Bee Cave también considerarán siete medidas electorales para enmendar la carta de la ciudad en las elecciones de noviembre de 2024. Cada medida electoral se encuentra a continuación. Las propuestas A a F son cambios a la carta redactados por la ciudad. La propuesta G es el resultado de una petición ciudadana.

Haca clic aqui para ver la version en español de las propuestas de votación.